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Why selling what you do doesn’t work and what you can do about it

Great brands are the ones that tell the best stories. Sure, good products and services matter, but stories are what connect people with companies.” – Jason Fried, co-founder, 37Signals

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. It’s the story of why you do what you do that you should be telling.

People don’t buy life coaching skills, legal skills, dental skills, business coaching skills, physical therapy skills, natural healing skills, counseling skills, medical skills, plumbing skills, home staging skills or optometry skills.

Most businesses try marketing what they do. But what they should be doing is marketing why they do it.

Why do you do what you do?

When you know why you do what you do and you understand your purpose, your values and your vision, you can articulate it so people understand you. When you share your purpose, values, vision and why you do what you do, your ideal clients will connect with what you’re saying. This is your story to tell. This is what creates loyal clients.

Your ideal clients will see a reflection of their purpose, values, and vision in your business. This is what allows people to fall in love with your business. This is what allows you to attract your ideal clients.

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

Why are you in business? To make a profit – wrong answer. Profits are always a result of why you do what you do. So why are you in business? Why do you exist and why should anyone care?

What’s your cause, what’s your purpose, what’s your vision, what are your values and what do you believe? When you figure this out and tell people, you’ll stand out from all the other people doing what you do.

People don’t fall in love with what you do, but they can fall in love with why you do it. So tell your story. Tell people why you do what you do.


Photo credit: Extra credit if you can figure out why this guy sells what he sells. Thanks for the photo, Roman Kraft.

AN insight worth sharing?

Picture of Trevor Wilson

Trevor Wilson

I love helping business owners who are passionate about making a positive difference in their clients' lives. I'm a passionate learner and teacher. My purpose is to help people live a more fulfilled life. In my professional life, I love helping business owners get clear on their purpose and identity. Then I help them clearly communicate their story so they can attract their ideal clients. I do this because I believe that when you work with your ideal clients you'll live a more fulfilled life.

Successful people do what everyone else won't dare to do. Don't wish it were easier; make yourself better.