The Pacific Northwest's premium branding & web designer team

7 Things We Believe In

Getting “Dirty” Ourselves, First

Interestingly, before working for paying clients, we spent 6 long years in the muddy trenches (and boy were they muddy!) of internet marketing and web development for our own successful business projects. This background provides you with a wealth of knowledge that is rare to find. Not sure there are many other designers who’ve built 700+ websites for themselves before opening their doors to serve you!

First impressions matter.

Your website is the heart of your business online and it packs a huge impression. Statistics show that website visitors judge your site in the blink of an eye. An attractive website built strategically to captivate and connect can significantly increase your profit potential.

Being Human

To be perfectly honest, people connect with people, not companies. That’s why your values, your personality, your “flavor” should pervade your business website so that people can totally connect with you. There’s a lotta science behind this…but you already know this anyway, since you’re a human. We believe your website should reflect that undeniable fact.

Profitable visitor action

Generally, visits to your website are worthless unless people take action. Whether you want your visitors to buy, call, email, join a mailing list, or do something else, action is where profit starts. So your website has gotta make those opportunities available.

Stress-Free Superbness (yes, that’s a word)

We have our unique ways of doing things. While we get compliments on our professional quality work, you won’t find us in business suits, ties, or high heels. We prefer to remain relaxed, informal and personal with our clients.

Friends, Not Clients

We see our clients as friends and we treat you that way. If you prefer a formal process, there are lots of web design companies down the road that do great with that. Not sure we could be formal even if we wanted to…it’s just not in our blood.

Keeping It Simple

As you probably well know, web design back-ends can be really complicated or reasonably simple. We stick with adding simplicity into your website so you can make new pages and posts without needing an engineering degree.

AN insight worth sharing?

Picture of Kama Wilson

Kama Wilson

Kama Wilson is a design strategist. Her unexpected 8-year background in internet marketing spills over into her design and strategy work giving her a unique, intuitive edge that her web design clients welcome.

Successful people do what everyone else won't dare to do. Don't wish it were easier; make yourself better.